DIALOGIK is a non-profit institute organised in the legal form of a limited
company. Employing mainly discursive methods of investigation, DIALOGIK
conducts systematic research into communication processes and interactions
between politics, economy and civil society. In a world characterised by a
plurality of knowledge and values, communication and co-operation among
and between societal actors gain more and more importance and are in
particular essential for social debates on technology, environment, and
health and consumer protection. Here, controversial views about how to deal
adequately with opportunities and risks often lead to fruitless manoeuvring,
endless debates and often blockades between the relevant social forces. For
these risk-sensitive fields of politics, DIALOGIK develops implements and
evaluates innovative forms of communication and new methods of
participation and co-operation. The objective is to find new pathways for
improving the governance of society’s valuable resources, be they natural,
economic or social. DIALOGIK analyses the various forms, instruments,
effects and potentials of communication and cooperation at the local,
regional, national and trans-national level. The research team has special
expertise in social scientific approaches and is familiar with most methods
and advanced techniques of qualitative and quantitative social research. On
the basis of sound empirical evidence and theoretical knowledge, DIALOGIK
contributes to a purposeful culture of mutual communication that suits the
needs of its customers and society at large. As a non-profit institute,
DIALOGIK provides knowledge and expertise to all interested parties and
makes its research results public. DIALOGIK is exclusively financed by
external funds. DIALOGIK projects are funded by the European Commission,
federal ministries and authorities, and public and private foundations.
DIALOGIK has built up an active network with partner institutes in many
European countries, the USA and Japan.
Contact Person:
Dr. Wilfred Konrad: