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Policy Addressing Climate Change and Learning about Consumer Behaviour and Everyday Life

Project information

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PACHELBEL project has been funded with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of PACHELBEL project and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union


 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis in San Francisco
San Francisco
09/12/2012  - 12/12/2012
Risk analysis, including risk perception, risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication, represents an interdisciplinary field that is the foundation of decision making across a myriad of disciplines. The annual meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) brings together nearly 1,000 international scientists and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines who share an interest in risk analysis. Representing academia, government, industry, NGOs, private firms, and themselves, SRA members recognize the value of diverse perspectives and a shared commitment to high-quality risk analysis methodology and practice.

 European Funding and the Social Sciences, SOCSI
17/11/2012  - 17/11/2012
Prof. Tom Horlick-Jones (University of Cardiff) participated in the “European Funding and the Social Sciences, SOCSI” organised by Cardiff University explaining the practicalities of doing European projects, with particular attention to PACHELBEL objectives and methodology.

  1st International Colloquium on the Sociology of Energy.
Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail, France,
25/10/2012  - 26/10/2012
Presentation of an abstract entitled “Is being smart enough? A cross-cultural analysis of the case of electricity ‘smart meters’” [Raquel, Alex, Josep, Claire, Christian, Marc, Ana, Nina]

  Second ISA Forum of Sociology
Buenos Aires, Argentina
01/08/2012  - 04/08/2012
An abstract entitled “The impacts of smart energy monitors on householders' attitudes and behaviors regarding energy saving” by Alex Boso, Ana Prades, Christian Oltra and Josep Espluga has been accepted for oral presentation at the Second ISA FORUM of Sociology (Research Committee on Environment and Society (RC24); Table 4. Sustainable consumption and environmental behaviours).

 Info day CDTI , Spanish Office
05/07/2012  - 05/07/2012
Dr. Ana Prades participated in a workshop organised by the Spanish office CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial) (in Madrid) (05-07-2011), explaining the practicalities of doing European projects, with particular attention to PACHELBEL objectives and methodology.

 SRA-E 21th Annual Meeting 2012
Zurich (Switzerland)
18/06/2012  - 20/06/2012
PACHELBEL has submitted 8 papers:
Understanding and supporting policy-making for sustainability: an overview of project PACHELBEL [A. Prades, T. Horlick-Jones, J. Barnett, W. Konrad, M. Poumadere, J. Espluga, A. Enander, M. Constantin, J. Rosenhead]
Investigating policy-making for sustainability [L. Marvulli, J. Barnett, T. Horlick-Jones, A. Marcu, A. Prades, J. Espluga, A. Boso]
Engaging with, and investigating, lay sustainability-related practices [W. Konrad, M. Poumadère, T. Horlick-Jones, A. Prades]
Translating between social worlds of policy and everyday life: the STAVE tool [T. Horlick-Jones, J. Rosenhead, W. Konrad, A. Prades, M. Poumadère]
Issues and dilemmas of sustainable mobility from a citizen perspective [A. Enander, S. Hede]
Is being smart enough?: The case of electricity ‘smart meters’ in France and Spain [M. Poumadère, R. Bertoldo, A. Boso, J. Espluga, C. Mays, C. Oltra, A. Prades, N. Schneider]
Filling the gap between discourse and action: The case of domestic consumption practices [J. Espluga, J. Barnett, A. Ennder, S. Hede, T. Horlick-Jones, W. Konrad, A. Marcu, L. Marvulli, A. Boso, A. Prades, C. Oltra]
Citizens’ understanding of energy consumption in Romania: The case of domestic insulation [M. Constantin]

 World Environment Day
07/06/2012  - 07/06/2012
As part of the World Environment Day evens in Barcelona, on 7 June, Josep Espluga and Ana Prades did a conference entitled "Every saving has a cost. What can we do to save energy and why we do not." The Conference was held at the Civic Center of Sant Martí (a neighborhood of Barcelona), and was addressed to organizations and individuals interested in a participatory project on sustainability to be developed in this part of the city.

 "Berliner Energietage 2012" Conference
24/05/2012  - 24/05/2012
Wilfried Konrad (DIALOGIK) gave a general presentation on Pachelbel

 Åre Risk Event
13/03/2012  - 15/03/2012
Susanne Hede and Ann Enander from FHS gave an oral presentation entitled “Climate change and citizen behaviour adaptation”. (Conference designed as meeting forum for researchers and practitioners, 200 participants from Nordic countries).

 Stakeholder meetings/conferences in Sweden
26/01/2012  - 26/01/2012
26/1 2012 Center for Climate and Safety: Framtidens risker - Dagens planering. (Risks of the future – planning today)
20/2 2012 CAVB: Färdplan fossilfritt Värmland 2050 (Road map for fossile-free Värmland 2050) No presentation was held at these meetings, but participation in group discussions, networking and marketing the Pachebel project (which raised a lot of interest). (S. Hede & A. Enander)

 II Congress of the Spanish Communication Research Association: Communication and Risk
Tarragona, Spain
18/01/2012  - 20/01/2012
Ana Prades (CIEMAT) and Josep Espluga (UAB) gave an oral presentation entitled “Estrategias de comunicación del riesgo y políticas de cambio climático dirigidas a cambiar comportamientos cotidianos” [Risk communication strategies and climate change policies aimed at changing everyday behavior]. This text was published in CD form by the Congress organizers [in Spanish].

 Convention of the Signatories Entities of the Agenda 21 of Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
14/01/2012  - 14/01/2012
Josep Espluga (UAB), Ana Prades (CIEMAT), and Alex Boso (CIEMAT): Participation in the Convention of the Signatories Entities of the Agenda 21 of Barcelona (Citizen Commitment towards Sustainability). The authors explained some of the early results of the etnographic work of the project.

 First Forum CEICS – Chemistry and Energy
Tarragona, Spain
10/11/2011  - 10/11/2011
Ana Prades and Christian Oltra, from CISOT-CIEMAT, gave a talk on the PACHELBEL project and on the “social aspects of public energy policies”.

 Jornada Informativa - VII PROGRAMA MARCO DE I+D+I (2007-2013) -
Madrid, Spain
18/10/2011  - 18/10/2011

 SRA-E 2011 annual meeting
Suttgart, germany
06/06/2011  - 08/06/2011
Four papers:
Introducting project PACHELBEL: overview and methodology Ana Prades (CIEMAT-CISOT, Barcelona, Spain); Tom Horlick-Jones (Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Developing Policy around Sustainability: Policy Assumptions about Lay Behaviour Julie Barnett (Brunel University, Uxbridge, United Kingdom.
Citizen engagement for climate change policies: A Spanish case study on Agenda21 Josep Espluga (IGOP-UAB, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain) Ana Prades (CIEMAT-CISOT, Barcelona, Spain) Alex Boso (CIEMAT-CISOT & Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain)
Policy Assumptions about Human Behaviour. The "Climate Protection Concept 2020 Plus" Initiative Wilfried Konrad (Dialogik, Stuttgart, Germany)

 Workshop about policies against climate change
Barcelona, Spain
26/11/2010  - 26/11/2010
Dr. Josep Espluga (UAB)participated in this workshop organized by the Barcelona City Council, explaining the PACHELBEL project and possible contributions of the future results.

 The Mälar-valley and future climate
Karlstad, Sweden
01/03/2010  - 01/03/2010
Susanne Hede (FHS) participated in this seminar organized by the CCS network at Karlstad University in March 2010 as part of a course for practitioners regarding consequences of climate change and extreme weather conditions.

For the public

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