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Policy Addressing Climate Change and Learning about Consumer Behaviour and Everyday Life

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PACHELBEL project has been funded with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of PACHELBEL project and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union


STAVE provided rich opportunities for lay citizens to actively participate. This is not only an assessment arising from researcher’s accounts; rather it is in line with participant’s evaluations as delivered at the very end of the group process. The overwhelming majority of participant’s comments about the group discussions were definitely positive.
Overall, the 18 STAVE interventions have been attended by 157 people.

Feedback from participants about group discussions (1: Completely agree - 7: Completely disagree)

The figure demonstrates that participants have been highly satisfied with the group meetings. In terms of individual and collective opportunities to contribute, clarity of what one was supposed to do and interestingness of discussions on average people across all partner countries almost unanimously opted for the best (1) or second best (2) rank. Both statements regarding the framing and sample representativeness issues also ranked quite positive, but in this regard, participants voted slightly less favourably and on average placed their votes between 2 and 3.

Segmentation and quality of STAVE groups

The STAVE groups provided rich opportunities for lay citizens to actively participate. This is not only an assessment arising from researcher’s accounts; rather it is in line with participant’s evaluations delivered by them at the very end of the group process when filling in the evaluation questionnaire. The overwhelming majority of participant’s comments about the group discussions were definitely positive.

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©Pachelbel - 2010