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Policy Addressing Climate Change and Learning about Consumer Behaviour and Everyday Life

Project information

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PACHELBEL project has been funded with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of PACHELBEL project and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union

The STAVE tool

STAVE produces creative forms of engagement with both citizens and policymakers.
STAVE can reveal the nature of practical barriers preventing the adoption of environmental-friendly consumer behaviours.
STAVE offers a means to allow policymakers to desing and communicate their sustainability policies much more effectively.

The STAVE design knowledge was used to prepare a STAVE Brochure and a STAVE Manual
  • The Brochure is a simple introduction to the STAVE tool
  • The Manual is a more comprehensive resource prepared for potential users, which draws on case study material, and so supports realistic planning to use STAVE in specific policy contexts.

Download the STAVE introduction in other languages

For the public

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Pachelbel in brief


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©Pachelbel - 2010